Saturday, January 1, 2011

6 Months!!!

Today, Eden is 6 months old! Where does the time go? I know that I don't update frequently on my blog, but honestly, with Eden, work, house cleaning, etc., I just don't have time to do facebook AND a blog! haha.

Eden is still the funniest child I have ever been around. Now, she can eat solids. She loves applesauce the BEST, but she will eat just about anything. She HATES bananas. If you offer her bananas, she will just close her mouth and not open it.

Eden now weighs a little over 17 lbs., and she is 27 1/2 inches long. She is still super tall. I have no idea where she gets it from. haha. She has been rolling for a long time now...everywhere, but now she is starting to semi-crawl. Well, first, she is army crawling. She can get anywhere that way. She is starting to put her little legs up under her. I think she will start crawling pretty soon. She can also sit up with minimal help. If you put her up, then she can stay for quite a while, but she can't get up all on her own. She also goes NUTS in her walker. Since she is so tall, her feet touch the ground in her walker. She cruises all over the house. If I go to the kitchen, I turn around, and Eden is in the kitchen. Etc. She follows me everywhere. Also, in her doorway jumper, she gets crazy too. haha. Especially if you say, "Jumpy, jump, jump." She starts jumping everywhere.

Her sleep patterns are great. She sleeps every night from 7pm-6am. Then, she gets up, eats, and goes back to sleep until 7:30. Then at 10, like clockwork, she passes out for her 2 hour nap. Then, she plays all afternoon. Around 3pm, she takes an hour power nap. Daddy and I sure enjoy our 2 hour nap when she naps! She has been doing this schedule for about 2 solid months. Before that, everything was the same, except she did wake up in the middle of the night once. She sleeps in her crib for naps and bedtime. We have a video monitor, and it sure does help. Eden refuses to sleep on her back. That is just something I have come to deal with. She HAS to sleep on her belly with her butt in the air. Sometimes, she will suck her thumb. Yes, I have a thumbsucker. I have no idea why, but she will NOT take a pacifier. She only does it when she is super tired. It is precious, and I realize that I can't really stop it right now.

Christmas was awesome with Eden. She had so much fun, and even though she is young, she KNEW what new gifts were! She LOVED all her new toys, and everyday, we have to play with them. She chews on most of them, but I get so amazed at how quickly she learns. She knows to hit certain buttons to make music, and she also has learned to turn the book pages to a CERTAIN page to get her favorite sound. Soooo weird, but awesome. You can even say, "Where's your favorite?" and she will turn the page from wherever you are to THAT page. She might just like that certain color. Who knows!?
Well, we are going to enjoy our new year. Happy New Year to you and yours!

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