Saturday, August 14, 2010

Back to school??? no.

Hello world! Yes, it has been quite a while, but I am not sure who all reads this anyway. If you are out there blog readers, here is what has been happening in our life! It has been the normal baby raisings. Eden is currently 10 lbs. 10 oz. I am sooo excited about that, because my sweetie likes to grow longer and not really fatter. I am glad she is finally packing on a little more weight. She is currently 24 inches, and many tell me that she is sooo tall. I am not sure where she gets that from. I am just 5 ft., and Seth is only 6 ft.

As for her health, she is doing great. She is still on the same sleep schedule, and she sleeps all through the night. Occasionally, she will wake up around 3-4am for a snack, but she goes right back to sleep until 7ish. Thanking Jesus for that! Her "baby acne" is almost gone, and I think it might have been an allergy or heat rash...according to the doctor. I am just glad she is good. Her DUMB tear duct is STILL clogged! I have rubbed it, and we have been through an entire bottle of drops! No luck. She is smiling more than ever now! She knows that she gets a reaction out of it, so we oooo and ahhhh, and she smiles again!

This weekend, Seth and I took Eden to the 64 Galore. Daddy waited in the car with her because it was soooooo hot. Wayyy too hot for a baby. We got her tons of winter clothes. Most brand new with the tags still on them!!

We also went swimming. Eden stayed with Chasidy, and they had lots of fun. I am glad that she likes her, and she is getting adapted to how it will be in October. Seth and I had some mommy/daddy time, and it was nice to get some sun, but I missed my cupcake like crazy, and so we ended up picking her up early! haha.

We are about to start some major house renovations here! We are adding on a sun room soon, and the animals are getting booted to the sun room and a bedroom so that we can open up our whole house. I currently keep the fuzzy babies away from Eden...just in case.

Well, I will write more soon. Now = bedtime! :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Baptism at Wesley UMC

Today was magical. It was so precious to see my baby girl welcomed into the Kingdom of God. I am such a proud mom, and I am soooo blessed to have a honest, loving, and humble husband and a beautiful baby girl.
Lala, Papaw, Granny Lu, and Great Granny all came to see Eden, and my mom's friend Debbie came. Also, Eden's godmother, Lori came.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

1 Month Old

It is August 3rd, and I am just now getting to update my blog. Whooosh. Motherhood. My sweet baby is sleeping right now, and she has been sleeping since 9:30pm. It is 2:30am. I am about to wake her up to feed her. I know that I should let her sleep, but I think it is best that she get some calories during the night.

Yesterday, baby cakes weighed 9 lbs. 13 oz. I am very excited, because we had some ups and downs with her weight gain, and it is sooo nice to know that she is on the gaining side. She has outgrown almost all of her newborn clothes, and I am packing them up one little cute outfit at a time.

This past week we went to visit the lady who will keep her starting in October. It made me feel so good, because she is soooo gentle with children, and I know she will give Eden lots of attention. She only has two children, and so Eden will only be around two other kids. That means less germs. We also went to visit her Godmother, Lori. It was probably even more fun for mommy to get some quality girl time. Of course, during the visit, Eden slept most of the time. She did really well in the car seat up to Lori's too.

This week we have two big events!!! We have Eden's big cristianing/baptism. It is going to be at a Methodist church, and Seth is becoming Methodist that day too. We bought her a beautiful satin white dress, and granny Lu bought her a white satin bow. Then, on Thursday we have our Bagby viewing for her newborn pictures. I am soooo excited. I bet the pics will be great.

My precious baby learned to smile often lately. There's a picture above. It makes my heart MELT! I love being her mom. There is no greater reward than motherhood. I am glad that I took more time off with her. I don't want to miss a minute of her life.