Saturday, July 24, 2010

Big Trip, Cord, and Visits

Eden went to Grandma's house yesterday. It was a lot of fun for her. There was lots to do and look at, and finally she wore herself out.

Today, mom and dad got to go to Walmart, and the entire time that we were there, we were looking for stuff for Miss Eden.

Her cord fell off yesterday also, so tonight we are going to give her a real bath in a real baby tub. Of course, her tub is pink, and Daddy is going to video tape it all. :)

She is still on her schedule. She sleeps so much at night that we have to wake her up to feed her. At baby weigh in, she only weighed 9 lbs. 2 oz. She is just now back up to her birth weight, and it isn't quick enough. We changed bottle nipples, and that seems to work a lot better. Hopefully, she will start packing on the pounds.

Eden has been visiting a lot. We took her to Danville the other day. She didn't get out of the car, but it was nice for Mommie to see Sarah and Ayla. :) Then, Janet and Daniella came to visit at our house. We had them take pics together, and it was soooo funny. Eden was kind of shocked about the baby beside her. It was fun to visit with Janet while we took care of our babies.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Pics, Baptism, and Sleepy Time

This Tuesday, we went to Tom Bagby and got Eden's newborn pictures made. She did so well until the very end. At first, she was sleepy, and before the end, she woke up, and she peed on the helper lady. Oops. Then, they tried to put her on her belly, and let's just say, she did NOT like it. I think we got some good ones. I will post some as soon as we order them.
Yesterday, we made an appointment with our preacher to get Eden baptized. We are very very excited about it. It will be a private baptism for family and close friends, and we are going to go out to eat to celebrate afterwards. It makes me very happy to know that Eden will be dedicated to God.
Her sleeping schedule is going super well. Lordy, I sure hope I don't jinx myself. The last four nights, she has slept on a regular pattern! She slept most of the night! I'm hoping this means it is a pattern. Hmmm. We shall see.
Well, I am off. I get to go get my hair and toes done today. I am looking forward to it, but I am already missing her. I know it will be good daddy -daughter time.

Monday, July 19, 2010

A Sad Day for Mommie!

Today was tough on me. I quit breastfeeding. I know that doesn't sound like a horrible thing, but emotionally, it has taken a toll on me. I struggled with keeping my supply up, but unfortunately, my baby doesn't latch. I visited with the lactation specialist like three times. I bought two different pumps, and one was really good, but I still didn't produce as much as I had previously. Then, I found out that my precious little Eden is allergic. :( Thennn, I figured out it was too hard to pump every 2 hours when Seth was at work, and I was taking care of her alone. I guess I feel a little guilty, because I wanted to be the mom that breastfed for 8 months, etc., but God has a different plan for us. I prepared for months to breastfeed, and I knew all the benefits for her health. I read blogs, and I even bought books on it. It is just hard to give up something that you feel might benefit your baby, but if she is allergic, then she is allergic. Gahhhh. At least she got the colostrum (sp?). I know that is very beneficial. Plus, she got three weeks almost of milk.

I am very thankful that she is doing better on her nutramigen. She hasn't been fussy at all. She even slept good last night. I get to spend a lot more time with her now that I am not a slave to the pump, and it isn't like she knows the difference. It is just mommie that feels let down by the whole situation.

Well, I hear her waking up. So, I have to go. :) Time for Eden kisses!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Baby Cakes

Oh, what a frowny face baby I have. She learned to smile a few days ago, but she still likes to do the "I'm concentrating so hard" face. Today, we went to Walmart and to get take out, but Eden and I stayed in the car while Daddy ran inside. It was still nice to get out on the town. Of course, Eden slept through the whole thing. She slept all day today. She seems to be sleeping pretty good tonight too. The new formula is doing great. She doesn't fuss at all, but the only set back to it is that she hasn't used the bathroom since Thursday at 8am. :( I am hoping that the new formula kicks in soon. The doctor said it may take a while for her system to get used to it. Any suggestions in case she doesn't have to use the bathroom?

My precious little Baby Cakes makes my day every single day. She is so perfect to me in every way. I know that it is so cliche for moms to oogle and google over their babies, but I can't help myself. She is just like a little angel, and it makes me sooo happy that she is ours.

Seth is in love with her also. She is for sure going to be a daddy's girl, but I hope that she will stay a mommie's girl too. Seth and I still take shifts with her at night, and I will come in, and she will be sleeping in his arms. Makes me melt. Seth and I sing a song to her. It goes like this:

"Eden Maria, you are mommie's best friend (or daddy's best friend). Eden Maria, you drink Nutramigen."

Haha. She loves it, and she occasionally smiles about it. Either that, or it puts her to sleep. We aren't sure if that means she likes it or hates it.

Well, I am off to take a little nap again before my angel wakes up. Pray for us to have a good restful night!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Nutramigen Dreams

I think I have my baby back! Today, we went for Eden's first doctor's appointment. It couldn't have come soon enough! I was so stressed last night. Not frustrated, but when my baby cries, I almost cry too. I wonder if mommies grow out of that!? So, we would feed Eden, and then she would cry so much that her little jaw chattered. Then, she would go silent and rest...then, once again, she would awake and cry. I KNEW something was wrong. They don't give you a book on motherhood, but you just know when something is wrong. Then, Eden threw up. I am not talking a little spit up. She threw up ALL her formula and breast milk. It was just once, but it freaked me out!

I wish I could make more milk, but I guess that is just the card that God dealt me. I am a little bummed...okay, honestly, I am pretty sad that it isn't working.

Anyway, today at the doctor, he told us that Eden weighed 8 lbs. 8 oz. That is good, but for a 9 lbs. birth weight, she should be a little heavier. A nurse told me that a newborn should only have 2 oz. The doctor said that is NOT correct. In fact, he said to feed her until she is full. He said that if she has too much then she will give it back. haha. He said that calorie intake for newborns depends on how much they weigh. Since Eden was a big baby, she needs much more than a 6 lbs. or 7 lbs. baby. Therefore, she needs at LEAST 3 oz. Next week, she will need even more. So, we have to feeeeeed that baby!!

We started Nutramigen today (doctor's orders). He said that the Enfamil is giving her too much colic, and he said that she may have a milk allergy. It is strange, because when I was little I was also colic and had to be on the same formula!! We have since given three bottles of Nutramigen, and so spit up, no gas, no fussiness, and she has napped today without crying! I think that she is going to be so much better tonight...not to mention, she has probably been waking up at night because she has been so hungry. Say a prayer for us!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Feeding Fiasco

Wow. Whoosh. What a day! How can a day be so rewarding and confusing at the same time? It is now almost 11pm, and I just now took a shower and sat down to relax a bit. Is it worth it? Totally! Here's the deal about the confusion today:

My baby won't latch. For you mothers out there, you know what a hassle that can be! I have tried for a week and a half, and I have had no luck. So, we bought a fabulous Playtex pump. (Insert poot noise here!) It is a horrible horrible pump. Long story short, I almost have no supply now. Thanks to some advice, I bought a Medela pump today, and it works soooo much better. However, I am praying with all my being that it is not too late. Say a little prayer for me too!

Secondly, the Enfamil Premium Lupil formula that I have been supplementing with is making Eden gassy. The doctor said that toots are normal, but she cries when she has to, and so I switched to Enfamil Gentlease. I am hoping this helps her belly. She hasn't been bad on the previous formula, but I just hate for her to hurt at all.

So, it has been up and down today. I did discover that Eden LOVES to swing. The first time that I put her in it, she cried. I tried again today, and she slept for an hour! Yesss! Her cord is also trying to fall off. It is bleeding a tad. I guess that is least according to my baby book.

Well world, I am going to get a few minutes of shut eye before I get up again. Mommie-hood is fun, and I love it more than anything. Sure, it is a totally different schedule and way of life, but everytime I look at Eden, I am reminded of my purpose on this Earth!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Eden's First Week

Eden passed out sleeping!
The "Kung Fu Face"
Pretty baby Eden!
Daddy and Eden!
Today, I decided that I would start up a blog again. Since I am going to be off until October, I thought this would be a great way to document all of Eden's growth and changes. Which brings me to Eden Maria Stewart...our little angel child. When I found out I was pregnant, a lot of thoughts went through my head. I knew that life would change forever, and I knew that my world was already different, but in a good way. As my pregnancy went on, I worried constantly. I hated being that way, but the thought of something going wrong with my little "baby bean" made me worry sick. However, God blessing us, the only complication that I had was gestational diabetes. I had to really watch everything that I ate. In the end, after a bajillion finger pricks, Eden was measuring 2 weeks ahead of schedule...even though she was a WEEK late. So, the doctor did an ultrasound, and sure enough, she was measuring 9 plus pounds. The doctor decided that we needed a scheduled c section.

I was so nervous, and I think that Seth was too. I had never had surgery at all. I had a million questions, and as usual, I was worried and scared. I only found out the day before I went in that I was going to have one, so it didn't provide a lot of mental prep time! haha. I went in for surgery on July 1, 2010 at 7:00am. I thought that when I went in that they were going to have me sit in a chair and prep my blood, etc. NOPE. It was straight to the bed, undress, and I.V. in. Talk about increasing the anxiety. About an hour or two later (I lost track of time), they wheeled me in to the OR. I got my spinal, and surprisingly, it didn't hurt one bit. It was super fast, and it hurt less than a normal shot. Then, they put the cathetar in...which I didn't feel. Then, I felt this hot sensation move up my legs, and before I knew it the nurse was singing to me. haha. Seth came into the room, and I was pretty calm then. I felt a lot of pressure, and then, I heard Eden cry for the first time. I was in love from the first time I saw her. All I knew at that point was that #1: she was okay, and #2: I had made it through the surgery. Then....came the panic attack! I have no idea where it came from, and I didn't feel anything except my hands go numb. I heard the nurse say, "Ummm, put something in her I.V." Two seconds later, I felt normal again. I guess it was anti-anxiety meds.
Afterwards, they wheeled me into recovery, and even though I wasn't on any meds, I barely remember anything from that room. I remember seeing Eden and being really really tired. Once I stayed there for 30 minutes, I got to go to my normal recovery room. Then, the magic happened. I held Eden and stared at her. I could not believe that she was ours. Seth and I both got really emotional, and we just held her. She had red hair just like her daddy, and her nose and mouth looked like mommie. It was the best moment of my entire life.

She was 9lbs. and 22 inches long. She was born exactly at 10:00 am. What a big baby! I am glad my doctor suggested a c section!

The entire first day, vistors came to meet our Eden Maria. I was on ZERO pain meds, and I thought I was super strong. The I.V., cathetar, and calf socks were a pain, but nothing too big. However, the second day, I had to get up and walk. I stood up, and I shook so badly. I hurt so badly, but I knew that I had to make it to the shower. I was painful, and I quickly asked for pain meds. The whole day was walking and pain. I fed Eden, but she wasn't latching on very well.

On Saturday, we got to go home. I was feeling a little better, but I was soooo happy to be home. It was still hard to get around, but my mom, husband, and mom-in-law helped me shower and move and get the baby for me. She still didn't latch very well, so we decided to start supplementing with a bottle with formula. We also decided to pump and put it in a bottle. She is still gaining lots of weight.

Her hair keeps getting longer, and Seth and I are adjusting pretty well. We take shifts, and we nap when she naps. She has her days and nights somewhat mixed up, but she is getting better. She makes the cutest faces, and daddy calls one the "kung fu face." It is sooo cute. So far, she really really likes to be held. We are afraid that we are spoiling her, but we can't help but hold her.

Her 4th of July was great. As you can see, the fireworks didn't bother her a bit!

Seth has been fabulous! He has supported me in every aspect of this journey! He helps me constantly with Eden, and he even takes care of her for long periods to let me sleep, and thus, heal. I'm not sure what I did to deserve such a great family, but I praise God every second for this life He has blessed me with!

One thing is for sure, I love this baby girl more than life! She is perfect in every way! I know most mommies think that about their babies, but she really is a gift from God.