Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Surgery, Spring, and the journey to 9 months!

Yes, I am posting. I can't believe it either. Mommy-hood is busy, and daily or weekly posting is almost impossible. Facebook is easy, because it is on my phone. Blogging takes some time, and any extra time that I get, I am spending with Eden or grading papers.

Eden is almost 9 months old. She lacks just a few weeks. I cannot believe how quickly the time has passed, and it makes me seriously want to push the pause button. She is the greatest daughter anyone could ask for. The Lord really had me taken care of! I feel like some moms live vicariously through their kids, and I can't understand that. The gift that Eden gives me is so unique and untouched. I would never want to mold her into anyone that isn't just herself. I can't wait to see how she develops and what things that she likes. I want to be the kind of mom that fosters positive enrichment and doesn't force things upon Eden.

Eden is already showing an interest in certain things. She LOVES animals. She laughs when one is around, and she loves touching their fur. She also loves being outside. The cool air is perfect. We have to keep plugs in her ears. She also loves anything music, and I catch her singing a lot. She just hummmms.

On last Friday, Eden had tubes put in her ears. It scared me to death...having her put under was not fun. But, it turned out great, and Eden is already better. She stayed on antibiotics for two solid months for ear infections. Now that she has the tubes, it should drain better. The doctor said that she had so much infection in her left ear that it could've caused hearing trouble if we hadn't gotten it out. Thank goodness we got it! She woke up from surgery screaming, but it was because she was soooo hungry!

Her development is crazy!! I can't believe how fast things change. Just the other day, my little girl was a bundle of stay-put love. Now, she is EVERYWHERE! She crawls everywhere. It isn't the traditional crawl. She can do that, but she always army crawls. She also pulls up alone, but if she is around me, she likes assistance. Her legs are still a little noodley. I think that her constant ear infections messed with her balance. Hopefully, now she will balance out. She says "ma-ma" and "da-da", but she perfers "da-da." In fact, if you ask her to say ma-ma, she will say da-da or da-dee. She waves now on command...usually with both hands! And, she runs crazy in her walker, but I don't over-do the exposure in the walker. She feeds herself little pieces of food, and she likes bites of everything. She just hates peaches. Everything else...LOVES. She is in 12 month clothing now, and she wears size 2 shoes and size 4 diapers. She is about 21 lbs., and I am not sure her length. It has been a while since anyone measured it, but I do know that she is still tall. She is still on Nutramigen, but she has been trying some yogurt with success.

Last weekend, we went to Wye Mountain, and we took some pictures of our angel. Enjoy!

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